When You Ask About “X” & Tarot Says “Y”
The Tarot Illuminati by Erik C. Dunne
Over the years I’ve noticed a certain trend with some readings. A client will come in with a question about one thing and tarot seems to go down a completely different path. Clients come to me for many different reasons but their questions tend to fall in the categories I think of as “The Big Three” – love, health, and abundance. Let’s say a client comes in to ask about her love life. “I’ve met this guy but I’m not so sure if he’s the one”. Okay, let’s take a look.
We shuffle, shuffle, and then draw a card or two (actually, I usually start by drawing three) and bing, bang, boom, we lay down the cards. Three pentacles. No cups for emotion, no wands for passion. We get nothing but pentacles, which are associated with the element of earth and the physical world. Let’s say we draw the ace of pentacles, the three of pentacles, and the knight of pentacles. They tend to reflect what we manifest in the material world, so they are often associated with money or health. This querent has asked about love and pulled nothing but pentacles.
Now let me first say the drawing of pentacles can certainly mean that we’re still talking about love and relationships. The ace, for example, could mean that a seed has been planted for a definite physical attraction and any time when a woman asks about love and romance, when I see a knight in her cards I feel there is a chance for someone to approach her as a suitor. Maybe the love interest and the career are somehow associated, like the client works with the man she’s interested in, or maybe he is heavily involved in banking of finance.
However, it’s also possible that tarot has a very different message here. This may be a message that now is not the ideal time for her to focus on love and romance but it would be a better time to focus on her career or investments. Let me draw a (slightly ludicrous) analogy to illustrate.
Let’s say I’m not a tarot reader and a friend stops by to ask me the same question. As we sit down to talk I notice that she has money and credit cards falling out of her purse. When I point this out to her she says she’s not worried about that right now; she really wants to talk about this man she met. But I’m her friend and I insist that we spend a few minutes picking up the dropped valuables and putting them away before we discuss love and romance.
That’s the path that tarot may take us down at times. In this specific example, it’s like the tarot is your friend is saying, “Before we talk about your love life, let’s look at your potential for a new business or job opportunity (ace of pentacles) for something at which you might excel (three of pentacles) but be prepared to wait for success (knight of pentacles)”. It’s important to get that sorted out first. After that has been addressed, the reading may open up and flow towards the topic that brought your client in.
I actually had one client share with me later after a very similar reading that she had gone ahead and focused on her career and the partnership she was interested in faded away, but another, much more suitable partner showed up at her workplace! See how that works sometimes?
Tarot is a tool for living. Some people are afraid that the cards will show them their future for good or ill and there’s nothing they can do about it, but I don’t think that’s true at all, or else why bother with divination? My prayer when I work with a client is that I will be able to help them tap into the wisdom that is inside themselves to come up with strategies to live their best life.
Happy New Year to my faithful readers. And just as a special reward for making it all the way to the end of this blog post, I’m offering Zoom readings (good through January 20) at discounted rates that are multiples of 22:
22 minutes - $22
44 minutes - $44
66 minutes - $66
To book your Zoom reading, send me an email at marycollins0128@gmail.com with available dates and times and reference “2022 X&Y Special” in the header.