Fire Up With New Moon in Aries
What can we expect from a new moon in Aries? Well, speaking as someone whose natal Aries moon and Aries Mars were literally dancing cheek-to-cheek with the new moon transit this morning (see image below), I can tell you that one way it’s showing up for me is that I feel an almost overwhelming urge to be creative and productive today, and what better way to honor that than with a blog post?
So, let’s start by talking about the moon. What does the moon signify in astrology? In your natal horoscope, it says a lot about who you are on the inside; emotions, instincts, and unconscious. It’s not what we do and how we appear to others, like the sun, but how we feel on the inside and how we respond to the world. The transiting moon can signify our shifting focus throughout the month as it moves quickly through the horoscope, appearing in a different zodiac sign every two to three days. We may find that a new moon is an ideal time for meditation and other philosophical pursuits. Quiet time!
OK , but this new moon takes place in the fiery sign of Aries. It is the first new moon of the astrological new year and there is a definite undercurrent of needing to DO something NOW. No matter what your natal moon sign is, this new moon may bring up themes of taking actionable steps, starting new, and your own personal identity. (Here’s a place where you can see transits: for your own birth chart).
The Aries new moon is the Infant New Moon, the newest new moon of them all. According to Raven Kaldera in Moon Phase Astrology, “It is the Fool Card of the tarot deck, blithely stepping off the cliff with unquenchable faith in the Universe’s benevolence.” Aries is all about your sense of self and individuality, as well as your own personal fire. This Aries new moon may help you charge up creative energy and push through obstacles. See if you can sense the direction it’s going in your life. What inspires you? Where have your dreams been shifting lately? All new moons are the perfect time to plant seeds by setting intentions and watching them blossom through the cycles into fruition.
Interestingly, we are likely to see the manifestation of seeds planted during a new moon when the moon is full months later in that same sign, rather than during the full moon later that same month. The next full moon in Aries will take place October 9, so mark your calendar to see what seeds of sprouted from this month’s new moon growth!
So it’s time to plant some fiery seeds of intention. First, take some time to ask yourself what you want to manifest in your life this month. By the way, even though the exact new moon took place hours ago, we are still able to use the new moon energy for several days. Here are a few ideas for some simple rituals to honor the Aries new moon.
· Make a list of intentions
· Inscribe a small candle with your desires and burn it completely
· Literally plant seeds in your garden
· Start a new health regimen
· Write a positive affirmation to support your intention
· Do a divination by pulling an oracle card
· Create a vision board
Maybe you can think of a few things yourself! In the meantime, I wish you all the best in the Zodiacal New Year! As our favorite Vulcan Mr. Spock would say, “Live long and prosper!”