Venus in Leo

On June 5 the planet Venus entered the zodiac sign of Leo, where she will hang out for the next three months.  It’s a longer transit for Venus than usual due to an upcoming retrograde from July to September. (A retrograde is where the planet appears to stop and go backward in the sky for a time from the perspective of viewers on earth.  More about that later.) To see what kind of energy is in store for us during this time period, let’s look at some of the basic energies associated with both Venus and Leo.


Venus, named after the Roman goddess of love, is the planet of love and pleasure.  She rules over all things associated with creativity and beauty as well as who and what we value, how we relate to others, and how desire shows up for us in life.  The sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, signifies the energies of self-confidence, vision, passion, drama, glamor, and the need to be seen.  You can probably see that if we combine these two we’re likely to get a pretty potent cocktail of romance and passion.  It’s also a good time to put some juice into any creative endeavors you’ve been planning and to focus on manifesting abundance.  The recent June 8 square with the Lunar Nodes may have also caused a need to decide about important issues involving love or money.


Venus will station exact and go into retrograde on July 22 through September 3.  Retrogrades are often about ‘re’ verbs – reviewing, reflecting, renewing, reinforcing, responding, and so on.  Because of Venusian associations with love and possessions, the retrograde is a good time to declutter your home and relationships and all the ‘stuff’ in your life.  You might be inspired to renew a creative projective which has lain dormant for some time. 


If you want to see how the Venus transit of Leo will affect your own life, you can check out where Leo falls in your birth chart. One of my favorite places for a freebie birth chart is Leo falls in my 10th house of career and ambition, so it’s a good time for me to put time and energy into my career. I can also help you answer this question or any other question you may have about your astrology chart.  Find contact information here:  In the meantime, enjoy the summer of Venus.  It may not exactly be like the famed summer of love (1967) but there should be some very pleasant aspects to counter-balance all of the serious, heavy energy we’ve been through lately.


Celebrate Summer Solstice!


Remembering Rachel Pollack