Tarot Topic: How Can I Be a Good American?

On this Independence Day, with so much contentious energy happening in our nation, my thoughts and feelings about my country are not what they have been on the Fourth of July for most of my life.  Like many Americans, I am uneasy and worried that our way of life is in jeopardy.  While a part of me is wondering how it has it come to this, another part of me is anxious to figure out how I can make a difference. What can one person do to help create a positive outcome for the highest good of everyone?


This morning I laid out my tarot cards with this question in mind.  Here’s a quick little reading on this topic using my beloved “Lightseers Tarot” by Chris-Anne.  I used three cards with no positional meaning; they all apply to what I can and should do right now.

Seven of Wands – Stay passionate, but remain centered


The energy of wands in tarot is about engagement and intention, and the seven of wands often shows one individual in a winning position, holding his wand high above the crowd of other wands. In this particular version, a woman is shown as floating slightly above the chaotic energy of others.  She seems calm and detached. As long as I connect with my higher self and act with courage, I will be able to stand my ground. 


King of Swords – Seek the truth


In her guidebook for “Lightseers” the deck creator says that when the King of Swords appears, seeking the truth is our highest goal.  Despite these times when information is diffuse and feels as though it can’t always be trusted, I should seek resources that I do trust and find out what’s really happening, then use that intelligence wisely. Likewise, I should stay committed to others who do the same.


Five of Wands – Join the fight


Find a way to be ‘a part of’ and help to move the visions and ideals of the group forward.  I think it’s important that this call to action comes after being reminded by the King of Swords to educate ourselves about events. We need to find out all of the facts and then make up our own minds.  That’s a truly patriotic thing to do.  Then finally, we need to vote.  It’s our civic duty and it has perhaps never been more important than it is this year.


My guess is that if you read my blog, you’re already on board with all of this and I’m possibly preaching to the choir.  Nonetheless, I’m holding a wish for the highest good for each and every American citizen this Independence Day and hoping that we can hold on to the gift of freedom that our forefathers sacrificed so much for.



Happy Fourth of July!


Tarot: The Fives in the Minor Arcana


Reading Tarot - A Simple Intuitive Exercise