Tarot and Astrology Conferences

I’ve just attended my first astrology conference (NORWAC) and as I usually do with conferences, loved every minute of it.  I’m an astrology newbie so although I’ve been reading and studying tarot for almost twenty years and I’ve been to a number of tarot conferences, this was my first conference for astrology.  It’s also my second virtual conference.  So, I wanted to say a word or two about the value of conferences.  Whether you are a professional seeking to up your game or simply an avid fan, there is nothing quite like the deliciousness of several days of immersing yourself in opportunities to learn and talk about a subject you love.  There are pros and cons for in-person vs. virtual, but more on that in a minute.


I also want to highlight here the fact that next January, Christiana Gaudet and the esteemed members of the StaarCon Constellation will present the Second Annual StaarCon from Friday, January 21 through Sunday, January 23, 2022.  (StaarCon stands for Southeastern Tarot Artists And Readers Conference).  This version will be something new  - a hybrid version!  Thanks to the fact that we have successfully moved past some of the heavy restrictions of the pandemic, we will be live at the Doubletree Executive Meeting Center in Palm Beach Gardens but also featuring  videography that will allow people to access our classes virtually.  We’ve also got a focus on all sorts of divination, so it’s not just tarot.  For a number of reasons, this will be a really good conference to check out!

I stumbled upon my first conference of a metaphysical nature through a serendipitous series of events.  I had been studying on my own for a time and had only just recently hooked up with a small group of local tarot students here in south Florida.  That in itself helped tremendously in terms of my learning and mastering tarot.  My favorite deck at the time was the Gilded Tarot, which had been created by the gifted and charismatic Ciro Marchetti.  One of our group members went online and found that he lived in our community, et voilà, the next thing you know, Ciro agreed to attend one of our classes.  While he was there, he happened to mention Readers Studio in New York and I immediately signed up.


Let me just say this…Readers Studio is amazing.  Run by Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone of the The Tarot School in New York, it is a meeting of some of the most creative and inspiring tarot people in the world.  It features a wide variety of many well-known tarot gurus, teachers, and authors  such as Mary K. Greer, Rachel Pollock, and Benebel Wen alongside a host of many other knowledgeable tarotists and engaging speakers.  The conference usually takes place on the last weekend of April from Friday through Sunday and there is usually an additional class of some interest offered on Thursdays.  There is a kind, welcoming atmosphere.

Since then, through the auspices of my friend and tarot mentor, Christiana Gaudet, I’ve had the honor of attending and participating in a number of conferences that have taken place right here in my back yard  (Palm Beach County, Florida.).  In 2015 and 2016 I had a few small roles in TarotCon 2015 and 2016.  The second conference was partially obliterated by the threat of Hurricane Matthew, but as usual, there were still lots of great interchanges nonetheless.


I’d like to list a few reasons why I think that conferences are worth the time and money we spend on them.


1.     Opportunities to learn

2.     Networking

3.     Cross-pollination of ideas, processes, methods

4.     Fun


First, just think about the opportunity to learn and improve your skills.  These conferences have assembled some of the masters of our trade, whether it be tarot, astrology, casting runes or creating tarot decks.  No matter what your level of knowledge, you will learn something from each of them.  You may occasionally attend a workshop that’s a bit over your head (I’m thinking of a class on solar arcs that I attended a few nights that still has my head spinning) but it’s good to stretch our boundaries. Through the years, I have learned many skills and been exposed to new ideas and techniques that instantly pushed me way beyond my self-taught capacity.

Second, the chance to hang out with two or three hundred like-minded people is worth the price admission on its own.  In a tarot crowd you can say things like “It was a two of swords moment” or with fellow astrologers, you can declare that there is no earth at all in your chart – and they instantly GET you!  Also, you get to mix and mingle with the top names of your trade.  There’s nothing like having breakfast with one of your favorite deck creators or enjoying the shopping in Chinatown with a legend of tarot!  But more importantly, you make friends and connections and have resources for your own studies.  After we part company at the conference, we sign up for one another’s social media and continue to learn from and teach one another.


Third, you begin to incorporate new ideas and techniques into your own readings and teachings, which will enable you to better serve your clients.  You will be able to give them something of even more value for their money and they will return and/or hopefully recommend you.  I present tarot workshops almost monthly and as a former corporate training facilitator, I start building each class by writing my objectives.  When I am looking for inspiration to create a new class, I often refer to my cornucopia of notes and exercises from classes that I have attended.

Finally, there is the element of fun.  When you enter a huge room full of people who have the same passion as you do for something like tarot; well, you never know where it will go.  Late night convos in the bar are never boring!  I especially enjoyed banquets where we dressed up like our favorite tarot card.  I’m looking forward to experiencing a live astrology conference in the same way!


I want to add a few thoughts about virtual conferences.  I’ll start by saying that, along with millions of others, I am so grateful for Zoom and other platforms for allowing our lives to go on in some fashion during the pandemic.  The two virtual conferences I attended would not have been possible without them.  And there are pros and cons for both.


The biggest advantage of an in-person conference is the chance to do some serious networking.  You can do it virtually, but I would say it works better for folks who’ve already met one another.  Also, see “Fun!” on the list above. On the other hand, I was a complete newbie to the astrology community and I found it helpful to see people online with their complete name tag showing who they were. 


Also, at both StaarCon and NORWAC, people made a concerted effort to reach out and foster a sense of community despite the virtual aspect.  Both of these conferences were run by super-efficient women by the way.  Many, many kudos to Christiana Gaudet for StaarCon and Laura Naldanian for NORWAC).  Do not attempt this if you do not have their super-powers of supreme focus, energy, people management, and unflappability.  Another plus: I had access to my own kitchen for snacks/tea/meals and the comfort of my own home immediately after the events for the day ended.  No travel time or expense! 


Over all I would say that if you have been considering going to a conference for tarot or astrology, they are well worth the time and money.  My own early experiences increased my skill set and more importantly my confidence level, and I was able to move much more quickly and easily along my chosen path.  And we can always count on the fun!


Methods of Reading Tarot for Yourself


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