You May Already Be a Psychic!

I’m going to tell you a silly little story to get your attention and to introduce my topic for today, which is the notion that you – along with all of the rest of us – may already be a psychic. 

When I was a kid way back in the middle of the last century, I read a humor magazine called “MAD Magazine” and to this day I still remember a cartoon gag where a walking hot dog is checking his mailbox and getting a letter that says “You may already be a wiener!”  It was an obvious play on common marketing ploy from the likes of Publisher’s Clearing House whose mailouts would declare “You may already be a winner!” to get you to open their marketing. At the age of eight, I thought this was hilarious. 


As for being psychic, I grew up in a household where various members would often display evidence of having what I call a “psychic twinkle”.  We didn’t always get big, dramatic messages, but we did have good radar on when certain things were likely to happen, or when someone was going to call, or sometimes even precognitive dreams of family members before they passed away.  Later in life I became very interested in parapsychology and the psychic arts and today I am in fact a professional tarot reader and astrologer.  You don’t have to be a psychic to read tarot cards or astrology, but you do have to be a keen observer of the human condition and be open to making intuitive leaps from the cards to the current issue that you’re discussing with your querent.  However, I believe that we are also dipping into our own well of intuitive gifts when we do this work.


In her book “Trust Your Vibes”, the renowned Hay House author and psychic medium Sonia Choquette talks about what she calls ‘six-sensory living’.  Sonia believes that we are all designed to be guided by six senses, though some of us are more in tune with the sixth sense than others.  She suggests ways to strengthen our natural connection. By practicing some of the disciplines that Sonia recommends in this book (and many others that she has written) to improve our intuitive skills, we’ll be able to navigate more smoothly in the psychic highway, and life naturally gets better as a result.


What about you?  Chances are that if you follow my blog, (most of my topics are pretty much on the ‘woo-woo’ side) you’re probably already aware of at least some of your intuitive abilities.  Known as the ‘clairs’, they are generally considered to be augmented versions of the five senses that we know in the physical world. Claircognizance, which is the psychic sensation of simply knowing a thing that you could not have possibly known, may perhaps be a culmination of all of the psychic senses.


Maybe you’re clairsentient; you feel things that others miss and you can read the room like nobody’s business;  things just go better when you listen to your gut instincts.  Or you may be clairaudient and able to hear messages that others do not hear.  People who see spirits and events from the future have the gift of clairvoyance; they view things through the third eye that cannot be seen by the physical eye.  Clairsalience (clear smelling) and clairgustiance (clear tasting) or less well-known. Have you ever had a sudden strong memory of the taste of your grandmother’s prized spice cake or smelled the scent of your uncle’s cherry tobacco pipe so strongly it was as though he were in the room?  Chances are you were receiving a message through your psychic senses.


My point is that yes, I believe that you and I and the rest of the world are all born with psychic gifts that few of us learn to use as well as we could.  Take it from me; it’s worth your time and effort to develop your skills.  There are so many ways to do this.  You can read books (see my bibliography of books that I particularly related to below, including several that focus on reading tarot intuitively) or check the internet for ‘psychic development’.  There may be classes in your area or online as well.  I teach classes on how to read tarot and other forms of divination, and over the years I have found that everyone can do this. Give it a try.  I think you’ll find that you have more skills than you thought you did.


Books for psychic development


Trust Your Vibes – Sonia Choquette

The Psychic Pathway– Sonia Choquette

Ask Your Guides – Sonia Choquette

Remembering the Future – Colette Baron-Reid

Tarot – No Questions Asked - Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading – Theresa Reed

Psychic Tarot – Nancy Antenucci & Melanie Howard
