Pink Full Moon in Scorpio


We are in the early waning phase of a big, beautiful Pink Full Moon in Scorpio.  Here on the east coast of the U.S. it was at peak fullness at 11:32 p.m. on April 26, but we are still very much in the energy of this moon as I write this.  It’s also a Super Moon, which simply means that it’s closer to the earth than usual and can therefore appear quite large.


I love that it’s called a Pink Moon and we all expect to see a big pink moon when we look into the sky, but alas, the reason for the name is not based on how the moon will actually appear.  Farmer’s Almanac explains that it’s due to the fact that a particular flower in the north American hemisphere blooms at this time of year called ‘moss pink’, or ‘phlox subulata’.  A quick Google search will show what this pretty little pink flower looks like.

I live near the ocean, so last night I drove to the beach with my aging iPhone camera to get a shot of the full moon as it was scheduled to rise over the ocean at around 7:35 p.m. while the sun still illuminated the western sky.  It was fabulous!  My picture above does not do it the least justice.  (Although I will say that with all of the fluffy pink clouds in the sky shaded by the dying rays of the setting sun, our view of the moon did actually look rather pinkish to me.) Full moons are always magical to watch but this moon especially carried some intense energy.


To begin with; well - it’s the moon!  The moon in astrology represents our instinctual, emotional nature.  It’s how we feel about things and how we react.  It can also connect to our dreams and our memories.  When this is magnified by full moon energy, it can heighten our emotional  perceptions.  Now add Scorpio energy into the mix and pow – super deep emotions

Scorpio is one of the three signs of the zodiac associated with the element of water and therefore with our emotions.  In fact, Scorpio is often about extremes of emotion.  So if your feelings are a little intense right now – even if you’re usually cool, calm, and collected - don’t be alarmed.  Moreover, in true Scorpio fashion you may wish to keep these  emotions to yourself but the big, bright energy of the full moon just won’t let you hide!


So, what can we do with all of the intense energy of a Scorpio full moon?  Well, let’s look at what Scorpio is all about.  Scorpio goes deep into the human psyche with an emphasis on issues of power and control, sex, death, and regeneration.  You may choose to focus on any of these if they are particularly prominent in your life right now.

Take the issue of power and control, for example.  First decide where it’s showing up in your life and what you can do about it.  Let’s say it’s showing up in a relationship.  Someone you’re close to continually ignores your thoughts and ideas.  Know that there are always choices.  You can choose to continue tolerating the situation, you can speak up, or you can end the relationship.  Even if you choose to let the situation go as is, you have now made a conscious choice, thereby bringing your emotions out into the open for your own sake.  This releases some of that intense ‘Scorpio steam’.


You can focus on anything that’s tugging at you emotionally in this way to maximize the power of this moon.  Are you going through big changes? Now is a great time to face them head-on.  Are you overdue for a romantic interlude?  Take advantage of the sexy power of Scorpio!  If all seems well in your neck of the world, then you can just enjoy the transformative energy of a full moon in Scorpio that pushes all of us further on our path of self-discovery and self-love.  Happy Full Scorpio Moon!


The Magician


Using Crystals for Divination