Lighting Up with Aries Energy

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Welcome to the re-birth of my blog!  During the hiatus I have had big changes in my life and of course, we have all endured the year 2020.  I was also working on learning astrology, so you will see that fact reflected here in future blogs.  In fact, how apropos that I am resurrecting my blog at this particular time of year!  We are in the heart of Aries. 

In astrology, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and signifies new things, beginnings, spontaneity, leadership, and courage.  It is imbued with the qualities of the element of fire.  I often see it like a lit match or a candle on a birthday cake.  In fact, a friend of mine posted a wonderful picture of her recent (Aries) birthday celebration and the candle was a big sparkler in the middle of her cake.  How appropriate!

I think getting a good, sharp focus on what we want to manifest corresponds very well to the image of a lit candle.  In fact, lighting a candle and meditating on bringing good things into our lives is a simple and effective way to train our minds in the act of co-creating. That is what lighting candles on a birthday cake is all about – candle magic.  Here’s to another successful trip around the sun!  We make it so with our energies of thought and love.

Still, most people would say that creating a dream or a vision and being able to make it into reality are two different things.  Yes, we conceive of what we want but then it takes a lot of hard work to get there.  I think this may be true, but understanding the true nature of the work we need to do is where we go wrong.  Once you have ‘lit’ the candle of the dream, the trick is to keep yourself free of doubt – to keep the faith.

In the New Testament of the Bible we read from Matthew 5:8 (the Beatitudes) “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”  The eminent 20th century New Thought spiritual leader, bible scholar, and metaphysician Emmet Fox explains this particular phrase.  First, he clarifies that to ‘see God’ is to be able to perceive him spiritually, as God is not a finite being that can be seen in the human sense.  However, when we give our will over to God we may, among other things, know and realize some of his wonderful vision for us.  This is possible for the ‘pure in heart’ which is, according to Fox, ”that part in modern psychology which man knows as the subconscious mind”.  There is much more to his explanation and I refer you directly to The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox.  So, when we can believe from the heart – from our very subconscious – we have truly lit the flame. 

Let’s reflect further on the notion that the subconscious mind – what the bible calls the heart – must be engaged or it just isn’t going to happen no matter how hard you work.  Wayne Dyer wrote a book called You’ll See It When You Believe It, where he talks about creating a firm vision of what you want and you can make your life anything you want it to be.  If I can believe it so thoroughly that I even know it’s possible subconsciously, it can be done.

Still, I’m a typical human.  I can understand all of this on an intellectual level, BUT…I need help with faith!  Here’s where my tarot comes in.  I concentrate on the question at hand and ask the Tarot ‘What can I expect from seeds I have been planting recently?’

I draw the Six of Wands.  Many call it the Victory Card.  I’ve pulled from the Light Seer’s tarot (which I HIGHLY recommend, by the way) and it shows a scene from behind.  We see the figure of a young woman, her hands raised in praise up to the spotlights on her and the audience of hands beyond her; beside her is planted a wand and the traditional crown of victory.  I smile.  Something inside of me settles.  All shall be well.  I can SEE it in my mind’s eye.  Now I can do my work of having faith.  I hope you will join me on the journey!


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