Ace of Pentacles & Virgo New Moon

Yesterday we had the new moon in Virgo.  On a symbolic level, this astrological placement carries a lot of energy about planting seeds to manifest abundance.  The new moon is the perfect time to set intentions, make a fresh start, and reboot our energy. Virgo, being an earth sign, is ‘fertile ground’ for supporting and growing those intentions.  Even better, Virgo is a mutable sign and strongly supports change.

When I pulled my Tarot Card of the Day yesterday, I got excited in the way only us metaphysical geeks do about the synchronicity here! The Ace of Pentacles, with its inherent energy of the seeds of abundance, is the perfect symbol of the New Moon in Virgo.  The Ace of Pentacles can signify such conditions as new beginnings, financial propositions, and material stability. 

So, now that we know we have this perfectly auspicious time; what should we do with it?  I believe we can do anything from the mundane to the magical, but the goal here is to do something that allows us to plant a seed of intention.  No matter what action you take, make some sacred space in whatever way is meaningful for you.  Use incense, music, lighting, crystals, or anything that will help you set the mood.  Then plant the seeds for what you want!  Here are a few ideas. 

Put it in Writing

Whether you make a list or write it out as a mission, putting your intentions in writing will help to implant the ideas clearly into your mind’s eye. 

Take the First Step

The time of the new moon is a great time to take the actual first step toward whatever you’re hoping to accomplish.  Write the first few paragraphs of the book.  Buy all of the ingredients for that new recipe you intend to make.  Call that friend you’ve been meaning to ask to the movies.

Connect with Nature

Because it’s a Virgo new moon and Virgo is an earth sign, connecting with nature and the earth can help you stay in balance.  You may also want to consider bringing a new plant into your home or working with plants you already have.  Energetically it will connect you with the energy of manifesting in the material world.


Whether you simply sort out your sock drawer, clean out your old emails, or re-organize a larger space in your home, this is a tribute to the Virgo energy coming in.  Clutter detracts from our ability to be our best because it takes up space in our mind.

Do Candle Magic

You can start with a small candle and use a toothpick to inscribe it with words like “success”, or “money”, or whatever makes sense in terms of what you are trying to manifest. Focus on your intention – what you mean to make happen in the world – and observe the candle as it burns completely. 

These are just a few ideas on ways to connect to the energy of this new moon in Virgo.  By the way, it’s not too late; you can always work with the energy of the moon phases for a few days before and a few days after.  It also helps that the Mercury retrograde will go direct today and relieve us of some of the constant need to review and reconstruct.  In the meantime, keep your eye on the sky.  It’s always good to work with the celestial energies when we can. 


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The Hermit